
I believe that everyone is intrinsically good and that these qualities are not always visible at first impression. I love how this project shows another level of everyone that could be easily overlooked because of our own judgments. Elora
I like the positive energy of this project. Lorena
I truly believe that stereotypes are a detriment to our society. I am judged every singly day of my life and I know that most of those judgements are wrong. Breaking down stereotypes has long been a personal quest of mine and if there are people trying to do it on a larger scale, of course I'm going to participate. Kristina
I've worked against labels my whole life. I hate that when people see me they assume things. I think it's wonderful that this project is working to make people see beyond what is in front of their face and into the person that lies beneath. Sometimes the labels are right. Often they are not. What is important is taking the time to find out. Bree
I think one of the most essential ways to improve our society is to encourage others to embrace egalitarianism - or the belief that everyone is equal in fundamental worth, no matter what labels society gives them. I think it's important to understand that everyone can be good, and it's great to see evidence of that :) Samantha
I heard about the project at a local art festival and I was very excited. People tend to identify themselves with the labels that are placed on them and they change their true beings to someone they actually are not. I am only now starting to accept the person I truly am, and I can't be happier about that. Eliana
Labels affect everyone. This project seems like a great way to start spreading some positivity! Danielle
Labels build walls and I want to help build an unobstructed world for my daughter (and yours!). This project works to break down barriers and to help us see each other for who we are. Jaimee
This seemed like a fun project with a good cause. Leo
In the midst of all the bad in the world, goodness still exists. This project is a perfect way to prove that. Mackenzi
Believing in the good in people is what it will take to make positive changes from ones personal life to the community they live in. Kerry
This is an amazing project and I want to play a part in it! Sarah
I think the idea of this project simply generates an appreciation of how different we all are... and yet how similar we are, too! It's like that saying, if a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it still make a sound? Does there need to be evil out there just to realize how wonderful good things can be? I don't think so. I believe we should all be kind to each other and be happy with what we have and what we still have yet to achieve. Michelle
I am participating because people automatically make judgments about myself and others, whether positive or negative, before truly getting to know each other first. What is on the inside is what truly counts, not labels that others give us. We all have a story that may surprise most. Olivia
to show the world everyone is different but not evil and love is the most important gift in the world Donna
Our differences, and our anxiety about our differences, are what unite us as human beings. I think the No Evil Project really celebrates that. Spencer
I think that this project is important in a world where competitiveness and seeking to individually get ahead is the mark of a successful person. More people ought to be proud to stop and help someone out, and willing to be more tolerant of their fellow humans, because we're all imperfect. Chelsey
Because I think this is a very novel way of expressing that though we are all so varied as individuals, we are at the core one thing: human. Profound. Ron
I am participating because it is important for people to know that stereotypes aren't always true. Matt
This is such a unique project, and it's brilliant! I love it! Alex
Everyone is defined by stereotypes given to them by strangers, or by themselves and it hinders us from embracing and loving the unique person we are. We should love ourselves for who we are - and who we want to be, not be confined by what the world thinks we are just based on how we look. Susan
Because I did something stupid when I was 18 and have been treated differently for over a decade based on a label. I've dealt with being denied jobs, being denied friendships, having my work and kindness dismissed, all over the discovery of one little word. I know this is a bit heavier than most of your other submissions, but I feel it's important. Ang
This project transcends so many things - the participants, our organizations, our daily grinds... It is a wonderful opportunity to link together in this digital age with a sense of community, whether or not we know one another. Adrien
Everyone has something beautiful to offer this world. Ari
This is a nice project. We need more positive things out there. Lisa
This is a unique project that will bring good to the forefront. Dawn
I love the idea of this project. So many people place labels and judge others from the outside without knowing anything about them and it can be unfair. I like that this site is making a movement to prove simultaneously that everyone is unique and yet all the same :) Lisa
To show society that labels are judgments that shouldn't discourage ourselves from being who we are, and there are good in this world that comes from everyone. Lucky
People need to see positive things in this not so positive time. If I can put a smile on at least one persons face today, my day is complete :) Kim
Everyone is different and special in their own way. I want to celebrate that fact! Jill
I love the idea of poking holes in stereotypes in a visual way. In this polarized society, it's important to see each other as individuals. Michelle
Love the whole idea of this project. Joyce
I am participating in this project because I have always been the kind of person to break labels and stereotypes. I don't believe in any of that, everyone is unique for a reason! Gretta
I thought this would be a great experience and it was. Paris
I think this is a great project. The world needs to be less focused on labels and more focused on helping people. Eileen
To share the benefit of living life with humor and lightheartedness with the world! Richard
It is important for people not to judge others based merely on looks. This project is doing just that. John
I am participating in order to help others make a stand and find the support they need in order to overcome whatever difficulties they may be encountering in life. Andrew
I'm participating in The No Evil project because I believe that this world would be a better place if we all did at least one nice thing a day for someone else, without expecting a return. This could be something as small as holding the door all the way to donating blood. Any act of kindness will be fully returned and when you're on the receiving end, it makes your day. Courtney
I am participating in the No Evil Project because we have all been judged on throughout our lives. I am more than the athlete, I am the intellect. I am more than Polish, but Irish and Italian as well. I am short, but don't under estimate me. We are more than what you see. We are people with feelings and complex lives. We are all individuals, with individual beauty. People should learn to respect that. Tegan
I am participating for people who may not have come from the best backgrounds but have risen above the struggle. It's always worth the fight. Alexa
As a Resident Assistant, I work with a lot of different people all the time. I see diversity as nothing to do with the color of your skin, but more about how your past experiences come together to make you unique. While sometimes stereotypes and labels might be right, it doesn't mean they always are. Get to know someone before you judge them. Erica
I think this is a simple way that a large group of people can come together to show that people are not just what you see on the outside. Everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle so be kind, get to know a stranger and learn what they are really about! Kaitlynn
I am participating in the No Evil Project because I want people to see that who I appear to be and who I really am are completely different. On the outside, I sometimes appear to be cold, mean, and tough. I have a habit of pretending that everything in my life is fine, and I put on a smile all the time. However, on the inside, I am so caring and long to give and receive love and approval from others. I have experienced the unbearable pain of a broken family, the death of a loved one, and the fight against myself. I want everyone to know that on the days that I look the most confident and put together, I am most likely in need of some support deep down. Allyson
I like the fact that The No Evil Project is trying to help people break free of labels they are normally associated with. Dana
I think there needs to be more projects that make us all take a look at ourselves and the people who we share this world with. Its a nice way to see the differences we all have and know that variety is a great thing! Jessica
There is so much negativity and violence in today's world, I believe this project is worth supporting. Diane
I am participating because this is a great project. Even the smallest good deed makes a huge difference! Lori
I'm participating to bring light to issues that are troubling us, generations before us, and generations after us. Words hurt deep more than people imagine, a lot can be learned from this project, those who participate and the good that comes from it. Lexii