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No Evil Project - Show that people aren't defined by their labels.

Health Care Worker Stereotypes Redefined

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Worcester, MA
United States

Sadly, treating my clients during the initial Covid Scare was prohibited. After 30 plus years of practice, I had to close my doors for 5 months. I continued to pay rent and unfortunately this closing set me back in many ways.I felt guilty not able to treat people that were relying on my services for pain relief etc. During this 3rd wave I plan to stay open to service my clients. I will continue to practice Acupuncture in a sterile and safe manner required by law. This is standard requirement for Licensed Acupuncturists in the Commonwealth of Ma. Lic. By Board of Reg. In Medicine.

We are all in this together. Our brothers and sisters are suffering. Give Support to those who need it. Make that phone call or at least send the text. Step out of your comfort zone with an idea that could be uplifting, helpful, supportive and share it! Virtual Hugs to all❣️

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