fbpx Alyson | No Evil Project: Cancer Survivor, Overweight & Kayaker stereotypes redefined
No Evil Project - Show that people aren't defined by their labels.


Worcester, MA
Estados Unidos
Tell Us Your Good Deed: 

I have tried really hard to give back to other cancer survivors. I have volunteered to mentor newly diagnosed people, help people move past their treatment and become healthy and strong through exercise and support, just mainly become a resource for them and do what I can to make their experience while dealing with cancer a little bit easier.

Why are you participating?: 

Some labels are positive and bring about inspiration and support to people while other labels are very negative and hinder people. I want to be a part of this to show that everyone should be seen for every part of themselves not just what is on the surface. All my life I was overweight and people focused on that and made me feel as though I could never accomplish anything that "skinny/fit" people could. I am happy to say that I am a triathlete, runner, whitewater kayaker, ziplinner, hiker, swimmer, cyclist, exercise trainer, general adventure seeker and I am still overweight! I have finally gotten past that label!

Alyson: Cancer Survivor, Overweight, Kayaker - I have tried really hard to give back to other cancer survivors. I have volunteered to mentor newly diagnosed people, help people move past their treatment and become healthy and strong through...
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